Kodak Alaris
Reduced Costs by fully Managed Services for Kiosk Systems in Europe
Our Customer
Kodak Alaris is a world-wide provider of document imaging products and solutions like instant printing, movie and photographic paper solutions. 500,000 customers use everyday world-wide the KODAK picture kiosk systems located at large retail partners like drugstores, supermarkets or electronic chains, in specialist trades and at KODAK EXPRESS digital solution partners. The wide range of products include photos, greeting cards up to photo books and laboratory products. The offer also includes efficient photo scanner and first-class capture software and information software. Kodak Alaris pays special attention to professional services and reliable support.
The company
Kodak Alaris
Photographic industry / photo trade
The Challenge
Kodak Alaris offers its customers for the KODAK picture kiosk systems a growing range of professional services and leading support solutions. We support Kodak Alaris constantly expanding the business in Europe with service process for over 17,000 devices in time, in scope and in budget. There are between 13,000 and 31,000 calls per month, which have to be solved according to agreed SLAs.
Besides KODAK picture kiosk system itself a wide variety of peripheral components is supported like scanners, pay stations, EC terminals and duplex printers.
Challenge of the project
- Support of growth by expansion
- Cost reduction
- Significant increase of service quality
- Variety of device landscapes / versions
The Solution
During a workshop a standardized service process was defined and subsequently implemented. This includes remote, onsite, logistics and repair services. ISR is the single point of contact (SPOC) for Kodak Alaris customers. All support processes of the approx. 200,000 customer contacts per year are coordinated at our service desk in Berlin. The service incidents are communicated via phone, fax, mail and system interfaces. With a modern IT service management tool all incidents are consequently tracked from first to third level support. 70 % of all support requests will be solved immediateley on the phone in the appropriate local language with the help of identical kiosk systems located at the service desk. The service desk arranges a device replacement or an onsite repair by ISR field service. Also the inventory management is controlled by ISR. Defective parts are returned to our central repair center where they will be inspected and repaired within 48 hours - ready to be used for the next incident.
- Remote, on-site, logistics and repair services
- Post sales outsourcing
- Help desk with native speaker
- Europe-wide device replacement / field service
- Configuration / staging / deployment
- IT service management and remote monitoring
- Inventory management / pooling
The Result
Kodak Alaris reduced significantly its costs with the full managed service concept of ISR. Transparency and process reliability increased. Also the revenues on the shopfloor increased due to defined SLAs and increased uptime. Continous process improvements, active monitoring and daily project reviews guarantee Kodak Alaris further cost and quality advantages through this partnership.
- Increased utilization at POS by proactive management of device alerts and agile service
- Reduced costs thanks to new service process
- Increased process safety and transparency
- More than 70% resolution rate at first level